ETHYST® Soul Detox Rhassoul Clay Pore Cleansing Masque

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NEW! ETHYST® Soul Detox Rhassoul Clay Pore Cleansing Masque is a Rhassoul Clay powder masque that helps to detoxify pores, clear skin of impurities, and repair the skin's barrier.

Rhassoul Clay is a mineral dense clay that helps to detoxify your pores and nourish your skin.  Carrying a negative charge Rhassoul clay draws out positively charged toxins and bonds to them so when you wash the clay away, the toxins go with it.

Additionally, Rhassoul contains both potassium and magnesium further benefiting your overall health as well as helping to keep breakouts at bay.

How to Use:

  1. Mix  about 2 tbsp. of warm water or your favorite hydrosol with 1 tbsp. of clay powder masque.
  2. Mix the warm water with the clay powder thoroughly. For best results, use a wooden or silicone bowl and utensils. Metal bowls/utensils may alter the charged particles in the clay.
  3. Apply the mask with your fingers or a mask applicator, avoiding your eyes. You’ll feel the clay begin to dry on your face, and it may crack. This is normal, and you don’t have to add more clay.
  4. After about 10 minutes, rinse your face well with warm water and a 100% cotton wash cloth for best results.
  5. Complete your skin care routine as you normally would.